I was really excited for this gift because it gave me a chance to use my Silhouette CAMEO and try out the vinyl material. I made one of these Grandkid signs for my parents and for Josh’s grandma.
Josh cut a board to size for me and I painted it with a layer of craft paint. I only did one layer with a really thick brush so that you could still see the texture of the wood underneath. Using the vinyl material was really easy and I got it transferred on there without too much difficulty.
I drilled a hole in the bottom two corners and used some stone colored twine from the Twinery for the string to clip the photos to. I tied the string together on the back and secured it down with a few pieces of tape, just to make it lay flat.
I got some picture hangers and attached one in the center. I had to find one with short nails so that it wouldn’t go through the front, they had some at Target.
I used some teeny tiny clothespins for the photos, I love them so much. I used the same kind for the little photo banner I made for Mira’s first birthday party.
It was a relatively simple project and I love how it turned out. It’s a great way to display pictures and to be able to switch them out more easily than a frame!
This is such a cute idea!! I made some wood-mounted photos of my boyfriend, Tal, & his kid for Tal’s parents. Reminds me of your project. 🙂 They loved it!
<3 Kelsea | Kels Shark
That sounds really awesome, I love that it isn’t just a photo in a frame, it adds a nice element to it!