A Cross Stitch by Mr. X Stitch Himself!

A Cross Stitch by Mr. X Stitch Himself!
A few months back I participated in the Bestiary swap over on Weave, the social media site run by Mr. X Stitch. It was a bit late but I finally got my piece and I couldn’t be more thrilled!
A Cross Stitch by Mr. X Stitch Himself!
I was paired with Mr. X Stitch himself, Jamie Chalmers. He sent me this amazing black on black cross stitched cat. I love it, the cat is so subtle but the eyes are so intense.
A Cross Stitch by Mr. X Stitch Himself!
I also love that there was a postcard with fabric from Bridgeen! And I can’t wait to put that pin on my stitching bag!


  1. says

    Awwww, nice little freebie from me there! LOL.I sent my postcards along to the exhibition with my pieces on show so that’s how MR.X had them 😉 That’s a very sinister black cat you got there. How will you frame him? b.x

    • says

      I haven’t decided on the frame yet. I need to measure and see if it will fit in a store bought frame. I think it definitely needs a mat.

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