I’m not exactly sure where I saw this idea, I think it was from someone in a Facebook group. But I just love it so much and had to share it.
When I baste my hexagons I use the method of little stitches at each corner, the same one Haley from The Zen of Making uses.. I used to finish the hexagon and then cut the thread. But here’s the crazy trick…
After you’re done just keep basting the next one! Instead of cutting the thread, just insert the needle into the next hexagon and start basting. Just leave a little space in between the two and baste as you normally would.
You can just keep making a chain of hexagons until you run out of thread and them snip them all at once. It is so simple but I feel like it saves me a lot of time because I can just get into a grove without stopping to cut the thread.
What are some simple little tricks that you do when crafting to save time?
That’s brilliant! I think it’ll save a lot of time – even that tiny act of ending and clipping the basting thread can really add up over dozens of hexies. And heck – if I were making hexies for travel, I might even leave them connected so they’re easier to keep track of. You could snip them off one at a time to sew on.
Thanks for sharing this – I love it!
Interesting idea
I will try it out next time I do any EPP 
Thanks for sharing,,anything to make hexies faster is a good idea!!!
what a fun tip!
I have done this almost since I started e.pp It is so quick and saves times. Think I found it on facebook or an e.pp site that I went to when I was learning.
What a great hint, I will be using it and passing it on. Thanks