I’ve seen pictures of Deluxe Pincushions floating around Instagram and I fell in love. The project comes from the book Sew Organized for the Busy Girl* and I just love all the ways it can be customized.
I made my first one as a gift for a friend on Instagram. I haven’t done much patchwork but the tiny squares are so easy to match up and kind of sent me into a spiral of wanting to do tiny patchwork squares on everything.
I had this piece of camera fabric that I’ve been saving and figured this was the perfect project to showcase a piece of fabric. Due to some poor math skills on my part, I did mess this up a bit and it’s smaller than the pattern calls for, but I actually really like the smaller size.
Both the ones I made were given away and I kept telling myself I would eventually get around to making one for myself. Well, I don’t have to because my friend Faith made me this amazing Heather Ross one.
I want to make a bigger pillow like this for both of my girls, one that has a big pocket that they could tuck toys or books into.
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These are super cute, how lovely you have been gifted one too:)
Gorgeous pincushions 🙂 I’m still looking for inspiration for various ones for my mum, so thanks!
Darling! I have a passion for all sorts of pincushions.
Thankfully I have friends who sew that I can gift these too because I can’t stop making them!