Yesterday we went to a friend’s daughter’s one year birthday party. This freaks me out because it means Mira’s birthday is rapidly approaching. I can’t believe in less than a month my baby will be one, it feels like only yesterday I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance to have her.
Anyways… Back to the party. It was a monster themed party, so I decided to make some monster embroideries. The invitation was covered in goggly eyes and I thought it would be fun to bring them into the embroideries.
I drew about 8 monsters but these three made the cut. The hoops are 5″. I wanted to make sure the monsters weren’t scary looking, since they were going to be for a one year old. When they were opened, the birthday girl was extremely interested in the one giant eye.
Evie made a card and just couldn’t help covering it with googly eyes as well. She was extremely proud of it.
I’ve been doing a lot of gift making lately – the wedding embroidery, the bridal shower embroidery, and now these. Thankfully I think there’s a lull in projects for a bit now, so I can take a little break and try to get some projects finished!
These are adorable!!!!
What a cute idea! I’ll have to try this with the kids. Stopping by from The Blogging Collective.
The one with one eye reminds me of Mo Willem’s Pigeon. So cute! 🙂
After I stitched it up both my husband and 3 year old told me it looked like Pigeon!
These are so cute!