It’s that day again, Tesla’s birthday! I almost forgot until I was reminded by this comic that The Oatmeal posted on Facebook.
So go celebrate with your AC electricity or your death ray. Whatever you see fit to remember the man.
It’s that day again, Tesla’s birthday! I almost forgot until I was reminded by this comic that The Oatmeal posted on Facebook.
So go celebrate with your AC electricity or your death ray. Whatever you see fit to remember the man.
It's time for another sappy birthday post because today it's Josh's birthday! It's crazy to me to think back to us as those silly little high schoolers dating. Here we are 15 years later with these two incredibly crazy and adorable little girls. And Josh is seriously the most amazing…
October 21, 2014
In "Miscellany"
I really love the internet, one reason is because I have met some amazing people online. Jess from CraftingGeek sent me a birthday gift, she made me this awesome Yoshi cross stitch using water soluble canvas. She also sent me some fabric scraps for my hexagon quilt and some DMC…
November 10, 2014
In "Cross Stitching"
This post is going to be sappy because it's my favorite husband's birthday! This is the 14th birthday I've celebrated with him and it's the first with two little girlies! We've gone some fun places and done a lot of fun things, and I look forward to everything the future…
October 21, 2013
In "Miscellany"
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