A friend from college does a Plush Club in Kansas City and recently posted a photo of a flyer for a plant themed plush club challenge.
I haven’t really ever made any plushes before, but I loved the idea of trying. Plus, a friend just gave me an enormous bag of poly-fill that she was getting rid of and Evie has been asking me to make something with it.
I decided I wanted to make a tulip so I started with a simple sketch. I didn’t make a pattern because I figured it would be straight forward enough to just draw it larger onto the fleece I was using.
It generally worked out doing it this way, but I really should have considered seam allowances more. I knew I wanted to do a little embroidery onto the surface, so I did the mouth, eyelashes, and details on the leaves with a back stitch and used safety eyes.
I learned some things during the process.
Stuffing a plush is hard, especially when you decide to make your first one have a very awkwardly shaped stem. I had a hard time knowing how much stuffing I should be using, I felt like I kept going between not enough and too much.
I should have put some sort of stabilizer into the stem of the tulip because it isn’t very stable. It works as an oddly shaped pillow, but since it’s so top heavy you can’t hold it upright.
And finally, I realized I had no idea how to attach the separate pieces together. I kind of shoved the stem into an opening I left on the flower and did my best to just stitch the pink onto the stem. It’s definitely secure but it isn’t the most pretty.
I enjoyed making her though and will be perfecting my plush making skills. I think next time I’ll pick something a little less ambitious.
I’m thinking of picking up Abby Glassenberg’s book Stuffed Animals: From Concept to Construction before I start another!
Have you made any plushes? Do you have any tips?>
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What a cute tulip! I love her smile, very sweet expression. I’ve made amigurumi crochet stuffed toys, and you basically listed all the challenges, the amount of stuffing, the size of the pieces to allow for stability, etc. So the next one you make should be even cuter! Chrissie x
Thanks so much Chrissie!
Yay! I’m so glad you joined the challenge!! There are definitely new things I learn and unique problems I come across during every plush I make- but that’s the whole reason we started plush club! We just started making plush so we could get better at making plush 😛 and already (only after a little over a year) I feel a gazillion times more confident than I did when I started, yet still know there’s tons more to learn.
I think your tulip turned out awesome! I love the embroirdery on the leaves, and I really like the size! Nobody ever notices the flaws as much as you do yourself. Anyway- I hope you join more plush club challenges in the future!!
How often is there a new plush club challenge?
I think if I had put in some sort of dowel or other way to stabilize the stem that I would be a lot happier with it. It might be worth opening it back up to do that.
there is a new challenge every month 🙂