It’s been awhile since I showed off my stitch a day project. I have a confession, I have had to play catch up a couple times. It’s been harder than I expected to keep up with doing a stitch a day.
Despite the back being a mess, I am in love with how it looks. I actually think I like it better than the front.
My first row annoys me because the stitches are kind of crazy and so varied, but I guess that’s part of the charm. It shows off the learning experience.
Read more about my 365 project here.
Did anyone else commit to a 365 project? Have you been keeping up with it or have you had to play catch up?
What a great goal to have and your project looks awesome, the colors are fun!
Thanks Monika! I think it’ll be a neat keepsake at the end of the year, and it’s fun because the colors are from projects I’m currently working on. I stop and do a stitch while I have a needle threaded.
I like both sides – so pretty!
What a neat idea! I saw a neat 365 day project I’ve thought of doing. It was a weather scarf. Everyday you knit a row of whatever color the sky is.