I had posted my long WIP list and since then I’ve managed to tick off a few of the projects. I’ve been determined to finish some of the things I had in progress before starting anything new.
First up is my completed iPhone case. I am so in love with how this turned out. I loved doing the rainbow colors, I haven’t done it in awhile but I always love how it turns out. It’s been awhile since I’ve done any triangles, so that was also nice to get back to doing more geometric cross stitches. I’ve been doing so many more realistic things lately.
Next, I finally finished all the squares for Evie’s blanket! It’s been a long time coming, but now I can move on to the dreaded joining stage. Every square is different, it’s going to be really difficult for me to decide how I want them laid out so the color is balanced throughout.
I’m also extremely behind on the Christmas Stitchalong, but I’m slowly getting there. I finished the first week last night, so I’m hoping to finish up week two and three this week. I really haven’t done a whole lot of embroidery so I’m trying to use this as a chance to experiment and learn as much as I can. I really love the satin stitch, but I think it’s more successful on the mushroom than on the star. I found that it was more difficult to do the straight lines and crisp corners of the star. While I really love that motif, I preferred stitching the ones that required less precision.
I have also been working hard on a secret project that I’m almost ready to show off! So stay tuned for a big announcement this week!
Hi Rebecca! Love your Iphone case, do you have a chart of your colors that you used? I really love your design!
Lindsay, sadly I do not. Whenever I do anything rainbow, I just make it up as I go. I pick out a variety of shades and just freestyle it!
Hi! I’m from Spain and my english is not the best, I’m sorry! Can you tell me how do you made the iphone case? Is crochet? Cross stitch? And the yellow side? Because the yellow’s part seems like plastic!
I hope you understand my English!
I Love the iPhone case!!!
It is cross stitched. It is a plastic case that is made for cross stitching onto it so the holes are poked into the case.
I made a new one for my iPhone 6 and got it from this shop –
Hi. You would provide the color table used in iPhone case? PLEASE!
I’m sorry, I don’t have one. I literally just grabbed a random color of the shade I was using and stitched that. Sorry!