Decisions, Decisions…

Necklace Decision from Hugs are Fun
Months and months ago I bought this tiny embroidery hoop from Dandelyne on Etsy.

I was really excited but like so many other times I buy cool things, I get nervous to use them. I feel like I’m not going to come up with a good enough project to do them justice. I finally decided I just needed to stitch something up for this hoop so I can make it into a necklace.
Necklace Decision from Hugs are Fun
I stitched up a couple possible designs and I can’t decide. I’ve ruled out the spider, (though Evie requested I make it into a necklace for her) so it’s between the bird and the flower. I’m leaning towards the flower, but I’m not 100% sold on it.
Necklace Decision from Hugs are Fun

Necklace Decision from Hugs are Fun
What do you think? Which would you make into a necklace?


  1. says

    I love the spider!
    I prefer the bird between the two of them as a necklace, but the flower might go with more outfits?

  2. wendigratz says

    I’d go with the bird! But I’ll be the first to admit I’m on a bit of a bird kick. . . 🙂

  3. says

    The flower seems a bit more classic, and I wear tons of black, so I am biased. Will love to see either when it’s done, though! I have some of those too and a similar problem with committing. How are you planning on finishing the back?

    • says

      The hoop is designed really well so the back is covered. I wear a lot of black too and I like the pop of color the flower gives.

  4. says

    I adore those tiny hoops, and the only reason I haven’t ordered any yet is the very same you mention–worry about how to do it justice! LOL. Completely identify with that. If I HAD to choose just one, I’d go flower, but they really all three are lovely and would make great necklaces. 🙂

    • says

      I am glad I went with the flower for the necklace, I think I’ll wear it most. The other two will be pins I think. I posted about how to finish the back of them today!

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