It’s been awhile before I had any sort of update on the status of my rainbow quilt. It’s a very, very slow moving project and I’m working on it in a kind of backwards way.
I used this hexagon quilt calculator to figure out how many I needed and the grand total was 3284. I ended up with a lot more than that though because I wasn’t paying attention and made a couple hundred too many in some colors and had to play catch up to get enough of the others. So I’m going to have to come up with a project that uses a lot of yellows, greens, and blues! The finished quilt will be 86 x 100″, queen size with a dust ruffle.
Because I’ve been worried about my math (it’s definitely not my forte) I have been joining just two colors at a time in pieces. Once I have double checked that the length is right I will join the colors all together but right now if I realize a mistake I can always add some more of any of the colors. Also, I think it’s a lot easier to work in smaller sections, I find the big pieces a bit unwieldy.
I have three of these Sterilite 2194-2024 Sterilite Large Clip Box* and I love them. I got mine at Target for much, much cheaper. The box fits a row of them really well and they can all stack on top of each other. I can easily grab the colors I need as I’m working. I carry around a pouch full of all the same color hexagons so I can join them if I am in the car or end up waiting somewhere. It’s taking a long time but I’ll finish it eventually!
It took me over a year to make all the hexagons I need. Hopefully it won’t take another whole year to join them! What’s the biggest and longest project you’ve done?
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This look incredible!!
this quilt is going to be incredible.
i love looking at all of your basted hexies… my biggest/longest project is also an EPP hexagon project. i decided to make a quilt for myself out of denyse schmidt fabrics (she is one of my favorite designers). i am making hexagon flowers from each fabric with a solid-color center hexagon. not sure how big it will end up being…i keep joking it will be done by 2020…but sometimes i am not sure if it is a joke.
Wow! That looks amazing.
I’m still working on my biggest project…I really need to get it finished soon…
Oh, fabulous! I can’t wait to see it finished.