Last month I posted my UFO list with the goal of finishing some projects. I was feeling really daunted because the list was so long and so many of them seemed so far from completion. But I have some good news, I managed to cross THREE things off the list this month and I’m really close to another!
I’ve been itching to start a new English paper piecing project but despite being a member of Project Starters Anonymous, I had to put my foot down on that one. I told myself I wouldn’t start a new English paper piecing project until I finished the two Ferris wheel pillows I was making.
I went back and checked on Instagram and I started the white ferris wheel EPP project 25 weeks ago, so I started it in September. Shortly after I decided I should probably also make a black version because, why not?
The pattern is from Felice at Sew Scatterbrained, it’s all just hexagons, triangles, and squares. For the background I used a bunch of different low volume fabrics and I love the effect it has.
Go check out the quilt that Kristy from Simply This Life made, she enlarged all her shapes so the hexagons were 2″ and it looks amazing.
A similar thing happened with this pillow. I started making white versions of the raspberry kiss block and thought it would look really cool in black. I didn’t want to commit to making a second quilt with the same block, so I finished it into a pillow.
The blocks are really fun to make and there are measurements for two different sized blocks, the quilt I made uses both. There’s also a paper piecing pattern available for mini raspberry kiss blocks, I used them for a pouch I made as a gift.
I feel so incredibly accomplished to have checked three things off my list, plus now I have these snazzy new pillows.
I also finished quilting the Blueberry Park quilt I made, I just need to choose binding fabric. I also got the batting and backing fabric for a bunch of the other quilts I have, now I just need to baste them and get them quilted!
So now that those are out of the way, what should be my next English paper piecing project?
I love the black/white combination, they look great, and awesome job finishing three!
Alas – I have utterly failed with the Project Starters Anonymous – I bought new fabric (60″ suede was on sale for $3/yard!), and I haven’t finished any UFOs this month yet. It’s time to get to work!