Last week I showed off the amazing package I got for the ice cream pencil case swap and now I can finally show what I sent!
I sent a package to Julia all the way in Germany. She listed her favorite flavors as mint chocolate chip, chocolate, and vanilla.
I really struggled to find fabric the right shade of mint, so many seemed too blue or too green. I found a few fabrics that fit the bill and I made some hexagons. I also used water soluble canvas to cross stitch little ice cream cones onto brown fabric.
I decided to make it out of felt and got a chocolate ice cream colored wool felt. I am not the most confident sewer but I was pretty pleased with how it turned out, I managed to get the zipper in by myself!
I also sent a bunch of other goodies. I tend to overcompensate for my stitching skills with sending other things along so that the recipient hopefully won’t be disappointed! I found some buttons with ice cream cones, ice cream cone pens, ice cream cone erasers, ice cream cone stamp, and a ice cream parlor mix of Jelly Bellys. I also included some ice cream colored lace zippers, ric rack, and embroidery floss.
I had so much fun with this swap and thankfully Julia seemed to be happy with what she received!
Love it! Those thread colors are perfect ice cream-y shades! The zippers are really neat! Your pack looks like a lot of fun 🙂
Your pouch is so cute, love your mini cross-stitch! All the extras look like a lot of fun.
I love those tiny ice cream cones in the EPP hexagons! So utterly cute and adorable!