Some Exciting Prizes!

I recently won a couple really awesome giveaways on Instagram that I can’t help but show off!
Some Exciting Prizes! from Hugs are Fun
The first was from Dandelyne. I showed off a miniature embroidery hoop I made from Dandelyne and I was so excited to win a prize pack with four miniature embroidery hoops and an embroidery starter kit.
Some Exciting Prizes! from Hugs are Fun

Some Exciting Prizes! from Hugs are Fun
I actually misplaced the little hoops for a few weeks and was going crazy trying to figure out where I put them. I cleaned my desk twice looking for them and then they randomly showed up the other day. Now I need to start making necklaces!
Some Exciting Prizes! from Hugs are Fun
Next was an amazing fat quarter bundle from Stitch Supply Co. The fabrics are so gorgeous I’ve been too nervous to even make them into hexagons, I feel like they are destined for something greater.

Do you enter online contests? Have you won anything cool?


  1. zakkalife says

    The miniature embroidery kit looks like so much fun!

    I like to enter contests too. I’ve won a few random things (designer band aids and a child life vest) .

    • says

      It’s always fun when I see blogs have giveaways, I just can’t help but enter. I try to limit my Instagram entries though because they usually involve reposting an image and I don’t want to drive people crazy!

  2. says

    What fun for you! Looking forward to seeing what you make. These look really cute. My mom used to contests and once won two trips for two to NYC. That was my first airplane trip. So yeah I enter the online contests or drawings – lots of fun to have things mailed to me and easier than what my mom did. I’ve received books, fabric, templates, rulers and thread. To win the trips to NYC my mom made a construction paper flag with 48 of the logos of the sponsoring company in the spot for the stars. The second one was making a 6 foot model of what the company sold. (Popcycles!!!) Yes, it was before Hawaii and Alaska were states…!

    • says

      Wow, I’ve never been lucky enough to win a trip! I did win a Vespa once which was pretty fantastic!

      And that sounds like quite a flag! What a great story, how cool!

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