WIP Wednesday – Hexagon Update

English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun
I have so many things up in the air right now, my WIP pile is kind of out of control. I have four hexagon projects right now. The first is the blanket I’ve been working on, then there’s Wild Olive’s spring stitching club, and two secret projects.
English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun
English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun
I have officially crossed the halfway mark, I have 991. And I think it’s about time for me to switch to a new page in the book and I’m also going to need a new box soon!
English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun
I used to grab a couple skeins of embroidery floss every time I went to the craft store, now I get a couple 1/8 yards of fabric. Hobby Lobby always has their fabrics 30% off, making many of them only $.50 or less for 1/8 yard. This is plenty of fabric for the hexagons and it allows me to get a variety of fabrics for cheap. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s making me any friends at the fabric cutting corner, they are never very excited to help me.English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun
Hopefully I’ll finish up the project using the smallest hexagons this week still so I can show it off. I’m realizing that this week has been very update heavy so far, but that’s because I’m working to finish up some really exciting things for this month. I can’t wait until I can start revealing it all! English Paper Pieced Hexagons by Hugs are Fun


  1. says

    Oh my I thought I was hexie crazy!! Can’t wait to see everything…so exciting. Oh yeah, I used to work at Hobby Lobby – for 9yrs – I never had a problem cutting small amounts, but I know some do, that’s their problem lol !

    • says

      A friend pointed out that there isn’t any difference in getting 1/8 of a yard or 3 yards, but they treat me like there is! Especially during a recent Joann’s sale when I bought 18…

  2. Vicki Richardson says

    How fun! I am doing the Wild Olive one too. I did the winter one, and now how couldn’t I do the Spring one. LOL I too have a room full of WIP, so you are in good company. Thanks for sharing with us.

    • says

      It is great for taking places. I have a little pouch I got at Target’s dollar spot that I keep a needle, thread, scissors, and hexagons that are prepped to start sewing. I keep it with me in the car in case I have to wait for things.
      I was amazed at how addicting paper piecing was! I thought I might find it tedious, but I love it.


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