Giveaway Day – Sew Mama Sew


Welcome Sew Mama Sew readers! I assume you’re all here because you like winning free stuff, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read more here.


I started this blog as a place to show off the cross stitches I was making. Over time I’ve started doing a lot more besides just cross stitching.


Two years ago I started doing English paper piecing and I was instantly hooked. It had the portability I loved about cross stitch and embroidery, but was quilting. I had a sewing machine but I rarely used it, so EPP was perfect for me.


In May of this year I got a new Janome Magnolia 7360 and I’ve been constantly working on building my sewing skills and I am feeling like I’ve done enough that I can actually call myself a quilter now.


Every month on 2015 I tried out a new skill as part of Try Something New Every Month. I just finished up my last one for December which you can read about here. Make sure you stop by to find out what Stephanie from Swoodson Says and I have in store for 2016.


The first Friday of every month is Free Pattern Friday where I post a free cross stitch or embroidery pattern. I also sell cross stitch patterns in my Etsy shop.


I’ve got a lot of new things in store for 2016 and I’d love for you to stick around and read more! I’ll be starting a newsletter in the new year and sending out a free pattern, so make sure you sign up for that! You can also follow me on Bloglovin. And you can always get a peek at what I’m working on over at Instagram!

For Issue 8 of One Thimble I made my first English Paper Piecing pattern. This is a great simple pattern to get started with EPP and create something small that won’t take too long. I’ll be giving away three copies of this pattern, just enter below with Rafflecopter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. LadyD says

    I’ve never been brave enough to try EPP, although I’ve saved more than a few patterns. I do love the looks of your cactus hoops pattern too.

  2. says

    Yes, always thought I’d hate it, as I’m not too big on handsewing, but ever since I tried it, I really like doing it as it’s so relaxing and you can literally take it everywhere with you. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Rebecca K says

    I just started doing EPP this year (#hexiefriends) and I’m loving exchanging them worldwide! I love that you’re trying new things every month πŸ™‚

  4. Mary Furber says

    I haven’t tried it in a while but have a hexagon UFO somewhere. Maybe this will inspire me to get it out.

  5. jeanne e. says

    i am an english paper piecing addict! and i would love to win your pattern because it is super cute and i have been obsessed with cacti lately! thanks for the chance to win. πŸ™‚

  6. Renea says

    Yes I have made a Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt and really enjoyed all the handsewing. Now I have to quilt the quilt top and I think I will hand quilt it. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  7. Veronique Oudard says

    I haven’t tried it yet but I would love to. I love your challenge to try something different every month, I might do that for 2016 and paper piecing will be first on the list!

  8. JessZ says

    I’m an experienced seamstress, but new to quilting. I recently joined my local quilt shop’s EPP club for next year, so I’ll hopefully learn some new tips! πŸ™‚

  9. Shawna says

    Sad to say I have no clue what paper piecing is so no I have not tried it before. But thank for entering the giveaway. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog and am following you now. I feel like I am a winner just by being introduced to this lovely site.

  10. Amber says

    I’ve never tried EPP, but I’m really wanting to – the portability factor is exactly the attraction. I need projects I can work on at school or on the bus! πŸ™‚

  11. Linda L. says

    Yes but it was at a time that I was rushed and under pressure from other things. I learned that you have to be patient and have the time set aside for it if you want success.

  12. sarah says

    I have tried English paper piecing made my first lap quilt at 11 many moons ago and I’m working on a Death star right now

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